Saturday, August 5

County Fair

Mmmm... fair food, fair smells, fair animals, fair amusement games, fair people... Thomas experienced his first County Fair today (the Oklahoma State Fair when I was 5 weeks pregnant with him doesn't count). He got to pet a very fluffy rabbit and, together with his dad, a goose. M says the webbed feet are actually surprisingly soft and smooth -- who knew?! Thomas watched me feed the goats. They are always my favorite and if we had the property, we would have to have one (or two!). We checked out all the other typical fair animals, but he was most interested in the cows, alpacas and 5 day old chicks. There was also a special exhibit with all kinds of alligators, tortoises, snakes and even an alligator snapping turtle. That's one animal you don't want to mess with! No amusement rides for any of us this time, but we ate fair food, looked at all the usual fair exhibits and his dad won him two stuffed frogs. Lucky boy!

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