Tuesday, July 15

super reader

Thomas' love for reading is perfect for the summer reading programs that libraries organize. Every summer he has participated and earned prizes, including great t-shirts. This afternoon I asked him if he wanted to go to the library to give his 7th book report. I told him I thought there might be a special prize for this report. He asked what it would be and when I told him a t-shirt his response was, "...the prize is a t-shirt??" He said he'd rather have another plastic bug like he's been earning. We were both pleasantly surprised when we learned that he'd be receiving both a bug and a t-shirt today!


shannon said...

Yay Thomas! I noticed that his shirt says "catch the reading bug" which is the same "theme" at the libraries here this summer. It can't be a coincidence, can it?

cherl said...

I think all the libraries are doing the same theme. :)