Thursday, July 17

Legoland with Meredith

Today's visitors to Legoland were greeted by Meredith wearing goggles. Thomas was not interested at all in dressing himself at her age, but she's really started to show some interest. While waiting outside Legoland this morning for friends, she went through my bag trying on a couple hats and Thomas' swim goggles. The goggles must have been comfortable because she left them on for about 10 minutes -- or maybe she forgot she had put them on her head...
Since we moved here, Thomas has talked about "Lego Man" off and on. During our three day drive down from Oregon he talked about Lego Man constantly. He really wanted to go visit him. Well, we've been to Legoland about two dozen times and have never seen anything resembling a man of Legos. Yet today, since Meredith and I went while Thomas was in preschool, we saw TWO Lego men. No kidding. Now I know exactly where to go and when that show starts so next time Thomas can meet and greet actual Lego Men and Women. Finally!

1 comment:

Trina Rae said...

Every blog entry with Meredith, I want to post "What a cutie!" And she is--I am so glad you have your blog so we can see her crazy adventures.