Thursday, July 17

rods & woodies

Thomas has loved everything and anything automotive since the day he was born. His first word was "car" (remember how he left out the "r" and sounded like he was from Boston?). We really should have known from the beginning that we'd be going to many, many classic car shows. Of course, M enjoys cars, too, so the two are a great pair.

Tonight we went to the classic car "Rods and Woodies" show in Encinitas. You really can't get more SoCal than walking up and down Hwy 101 on a summer evening and looking at classic rods and woodies. Thomas was in heaven. Nearly every car (and there were a lot!) received the same response... "Oh, WOW! Look at that car! What is that car?" Usually with one finger pointing at the car, but sometimes with both pointer fingers as he jumped up and down. And when we'd come across any of the cars that resembled those from the movie CARS, he was beside him with excitement. Yes, there was a Lizzy, a Fillmore and a Snot Rod. He loved it and we loved taking him to this show.

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