Sunday, July 13

Carlsbad Tri

I love the energy at race events. Usually it's me out there at a running event, but being a spectator is an entirely different experience and so much fun. So when a friend said she was competing in the local triathlon this morning, I knew we had to go support her and watch the event. From where we stood we were able to see the swim and caught the run twice. The bike portion of the event was further south so we missed that one. We made a sign for her and the kids each had a noise maker. It was fun to cheer on the participants, esp. our friend.
The triathlon was a sprint -- 1K swim, 25K bike and a 5K run. The distances aren't difficult by themselves, but all three back to back and swimming way out there in the ocean and all the biking and running on hot Hwy 101 and the uphill finish at the very end of the run...? For someone who will never experience a tri (the swimming kills it for me), it all looked impressive. Helen did great and this guy with one leg made it all look easy... Wow!

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