Wednesday, March 26

Thomas' fashion statement

Thomas has little interest in the actual physical act of dressing himself, but he does love to pick out what he wears. Here we are on our way to the park this morning. Breaking down the look from top to bottom...

1. my old hat - he wore it to Legoland last week and has been wearing it off and on for the last week - he doesn't mind that it's a little big - or that it's a little bright

2. silly grin - he has started pushing his lower jaw out and smiling when he's being silly or I'm taking photos of him - I don't like it

3. yellow polo under his green dinosaur shirt - he will tell you the yellow shirt is behind his dinosaur shirt

4. wagon - he's a great helper and has really taken to caring for his sister - today he wanted to pull her to the park (which he did until we hit the long descent to the road that then climbs back up to the park - it's a workout walking around here!)

5. CARS swim trunks - today is day 3 wearing these - he prefers them backwards so he can see the tractor when he studies them in the mirror

6. flip flops - he wears these pretty much every single day - they've become standard dress for Thomas

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Flip flops every day? Sounds like his mom!