Tuesday, March 18

Newport Beach

Today the kids and I drove north to Newport Beach to meet up with a friend of mine from college days. It was great seeing a familiar face (thanks, Sofie!) and meeting her sweet little guy. Those late nights in the architecture studios, weekend college football games and St. Patrick's Day celebrations at Kell's have long been replaced with spouses, children and "adult" lives. But I wouldn't trade today for anything. Yesterday Thomas and I made a special dinner for St. Patrick's Day (all green foods) and today we rode the carousel several times, danced with water fountains, walked on water around Koi and enjoyed a visit with an old friend. It was a great day!

Balboa Peninsula beaches - miles of sand!
Newport Beach from the bridge exiting Balboa Island (yes, those are residences - wow!)
T looks for Koi and dances with the fountain as M watches

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