Thursday, March 6

Model Mom takes kids to Legoland

"Miniland" - one of Thomas' favorites

Weeks before we moved, we received a Visitors Guide for Southern California to help familiarize ourselves with things to do down here. On the cover of this much-looked at guide was Legoland. Thomas has been talking about Legoland ever since and pretty much non-stop during our 3 day roadtrip down. We promised him we'd take him there soon, but hadn't had a chance to until today.

As with all amusement parks, admission isn't cheap and neither is membership. However, Legoland has one membership perfectly made for me and the kids: the Model Mom Club. Yes, I am now a "model mom" and I have a card with my name and photo on it to prove this should I ever be questioned :)
We spent nearly 3 hours at Legoland this morning and the kids both had a blast. We rode several rides (per Thomas' request) and covered about 1/8 of the park. It's huge and has so much to do and see. If we go once a week for the next couple of months we may actually cover the entire park at some point...

Thomas recognized Mt. Rushmore during the boat ride. M loved this - she squealed, clapped and smiled the entire ride.

water and toddlers - is this ever a miss?

This was tricky but he did great as captain of his #8 ship and even managed to dock it at the island up ahead. Very impressive!

Dinoland and the train ride were other favorites.

The kids check out Fairy Tale Land by boat.

T with Bob the Builder. Some resemblances, eh?

M having a great time (you'll be seeing this outfit often - it's perfect to protect her from the sun and keep her comfortable since it's light and stretchy, plus it's really, really cute - thanks, Darcy!).
This Lego family and their (real) Volvo SUV are at the entrance to LegoLand California and probably the most photographed thing there. They are very realistic. Also, Volvo drivers get the added benefit of "preferred parking" at Legoland. How special are they?!


Unknown said...

Hi Cheryl!!
I am so glad you are able to use this outfit so much, little did you know when you received it that it would be perfect in California!! I am already jealous about the great tans you all will have when we see you next. I think an Oregon spray tan is in the near future.
See you soon,

Kelly(M&M) said...

Hey Cherl,

I think we found our place to meet up! For Dallin's "I have a Dream" project one of his "dreams" was to go to Legoland. What a fun post. And you definitely are a model mom!
