Thursday, March 29

whale watching

the whale watch gang
This morning we joined some friends for a whale watching tour.  Last year I took Thomas on a tour out of Dana Point and it was an incredible experience.  I knew we'd go again this year and I knew Meredith would be coming with us.  When I found a groupon deal for whale watching out of San Diego, I knew we had to go and invite some friends to join us.

Today's tour was completely the opposite of last year's tour.  The weather was overcast and there was a storm approaching.  Swells were high which caused our boat to rock back and forth like crazy.  Near our turnaround spot the tour guide heard there were whales up ahead and since we hadn't seen any yet, she continued moving forward.  The tour ended up being a 4 hour tour with the first 2.5 hours heading out and the last 1.5 heading back to land.  We rocked and rolled on the boat for 2.5 hours.  There are no words to describe how crazy this was.  So many people were sick on this boat, including 4 of the 6 people in our little party.  The (excellent) crew handed out trash bags.  People threw up over the side of the boat.  It was like a horror flick.  And when we got to the whales the boat slowed for about 20 minutes and we rocked even more.  Crazy. 

Aside from all the seasickness we either experienced ourselves, heard, or otherwise witnessed, it was a very successful whale watching tour.  The guide estimated 400 dolphins, 8 whales, a dozen sea lions, blue herons, pelicans, other various birds and a stingray.  The whales were courting, rolling around, and one even jumped.  Anytime you see an animal of this size in its own habitat it is pretty amazing.  I hope next year enough time will have passed that the kids will want to go out on another tour.  I know Thomas will, but I'm not so sure about Meredith. 
one of several dolphin pods
dolphins right under our boat
whale tale

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