Friday, March 23


Meredith made this little heart cone/container for her friend, Lily.  I didn't think much of it when she first told me about it (this girl makes a lot of stuff), but upon closer inspection I was blown away by what she had done.  I asked her to tell me about it and how she made it.  First she started with a small heart (the one attached to the cone).  She drew more (concentric) hearts within the first one and colored them.  She then cut the heart out and glued it onto this small strip of paper that she had painted using fingernail polish.  She then glued it together to form a cone and glued some strips to it to make a hanger.  Next, she added some "loop de loops" above and belove the heart and wrote to/from inside the heart to her friend.  Can you see how small this whole thing is, esp. the writing inside the cone!?  Incredible.  I can't bear to part with this little piece.  I've already quietly put it away...

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