Thursday, March 8

a nightie

Meredith got it into her head recently that she must have a nightgown.  Oh, but not just any nightgown.  She wanted one that would go all the way to the floor, has long sleeves, and is a princess theme.  This is not easy to find.  To be honest, it's been really difficult.  I have searched many stores and even online -- all to come up empty-handed.  I'm not even 100% sure she'd be comfortable in a nightgown.  She's never worn one before and I know how uncomfortable I feel when sleeping in them.  This afternoon I finally found a nightgown that met the "long sleeves" criteria.  It has pigs on it wearing tiaras and lots of hearts floating around the pigs.  That sounds princess-y to me!  I figured this would be close enough and she agreed.  It's still not exactly what she wants and I'll continue to look, but we'll see how she likes sleeping in this one tonight first.  I have a feeling she'll be waking up wearing different pajamas.  Good thing this little cutie was found on a clearance rack for less than five bucks.

1 comment:

shannon said...

Hi Cherl! Check out Lands End's website. I got a really cute long-sleeve, to the floor flannel nightie for Kaitlin there. You probably don't need flannel down there in SoCal but they may have others to choose from. :)