Monday, April 26

karate class

Last week Thomas started a new karate class. It's an after-school class for children 5 to 10 years old. Oh, but Thomas isn't 5 years old, you say? His teacher made an exception because she felt he was ready so he's in the class. He does a great job and although many of the kids are bigger than he is, it does not mean they are any better. He misses his "4 year old class" (as he calls it) and having his pal Tyler in class with him, but he's really doing great and improving already after just two classes. He's really focused and tries his best -- it's so fun to watch him do karate! It's especially nice that this new class is offered at a location near Mike's work and starts at 4:30pm. Today he was able to leave work a little early to watch Thomas' class. They both loved that!

1 comment:

Trina Rae said...

I am not surprised--Thomas is exceptional in about every way that I can think of! :)