Wednesday, August 12

thinking she's so grown up

Today while at the Outlets she said to me, "I'll stay here while you put that in the car."
Last night, upon finishing her treat at a frozen yogurt shop, she said, "I'll wait for you outside." And she left the shop while Mike and I looked at each in disbelief.
Two examples of how grown up our two year old thinks she is. She doesn't buy the "because you're only two!" argument. I feel the hairs on my head turning grey by the minute.


Wendy said...

I know I shouldn't laugh, but this is the funniest thing I've read in awhile. Logan says that kind of stuff too but it is much more funny coming from Meredith. I think those boots give her attitude.

cherl said...

Ha! She had an attitude prior to receiving the boots, but they have definitely kicked it up a notch (or three!).