Monday, August 10

summer camp

This morning Thomas began a new preschool. The one he attended last year wasn't going to work for us this year so we moved him to one offered in the Lutheran Church near our home. It's a very popular one so we were pleased to get him in for the 2009-2010 school year and also for the last summer camp offered. This camp began today!
It was a morning of excitement and nervousness. He was thrilled to be going but once we started to walk to his classroom he held my hand a little tighter. Seeing his friend Michael and another boy from his last preschool seemed to help. I spent about 5 minutes getting him settled by finding his cubby, putting his things away, locating the classroom's bathroom, identifying different interest areas in the classroom, etc. He asked for a last hug and then he was off doing whatever captured his interest.
Meredith, on the other hand, wasn't so easy. She wanted to go to summer camp, too. I packed her backpack (per her request) and she wore it to take Thomas to preschool. The three of us held hands and walked to preschool where she cried when I told her she would be going home with me while Thomas stayed at summer camp. She asked where her cubby was (I had to find an empty one to put her things in.). She said she had to go potty after seeing the toilet, but then quickly laughed and said she was kidding. The walk home was full of questions about when she could go to summer camp like Thomas. Soon enough, my little one, soon enough...

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