Monday, April 13

sleep habits

Meredith's sleep habits have totally gone haywire these last three weeks. Prior to this time, she actually slept very well and napped regularly. Her afternoon naps had shortened to about 1.5 hours but everything else remained the same. Then we switched her back to a toddler bed since she was climbing out of her crib and now every night is a crap shoot. Naps are far and few and generally not happening. If there is a nap, even the teensiest little cat nap, then her bedtime ritual is completely thrown off. She's been wide awake at 10:30pm more than once.
But this morning I woke up happy when I realized she had actually stayed in her bed all night long and neither M nor I had slept on the floor in her bedroom. Or so I thought. I walked into her room this morning to open the blinds and turn things off and expected to find her still asleep, but her bed was empty. I figured she had gone downstairs already so I did the few things I was in there to do and was looking in her closet for clothes when I heard some movement. I had just opened the window so I thought it might be a bird right outside but then I heard it again and it sounded closer. It sounded like it was coming from under her bed, but how could that be?? There is only about 6.5 to 7 inches of clearance between the springs and the carpet. Surely she couldn't be under there. But I peeked anyway and to my surprise there she was! And she was against the far wall so somehow she wiggled her way (on her back!) all the way under her bed. Amazing. It's incredible to think she got herself back there and incredible to know she didn't get herself pricked on the springs of her bed. Silly, silly girl...
We hope her good sleep habits resume soon. We miss them. A lot.

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