Wednesday, April 8

one day, three shoes

It didn't occur to me until I was telling M about our day (and he pointed it out)... but today Meredith got three new pairs of shoes. Yes, three. I don't think I've ever purchased three pairs for myself in one day. But we were looking for some new clothings items and came across these cute little flip flops. She's always trying to wear Thomas' so I thought I should get her a pair of her own. Then later we were at the dance store looking for ballet slippers and they had tap shoes in her size... all the girls in her dance class this morning had both ballet and tap shoes so I had to get her both. And you should see how happy they make her. The girl loves shoes so to sit and be fitted by the woman at the dance store?? She was absolutely thrilled to try on several shoes and then tap all around the store in them. Maybe next week I'll snap a few photos of her in dance class. There really isn't anything cuter than half a dozen 22 to 26 month old girls in leotards, tights and ballet slippers!

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