Saturday, April 25

Relay for Life

This weekend is the Relay for Life event in Oceanside, California. Many, many months ago I joined some moms from our playgroup to raise money for the American Cancer Society and to participate in this weekend's event. There are eight of us on the team so we are all covering a minimum of 3 hours during this 24-hour event. Our family (including Grandma!) walked for two hours this morning and late this evening M and I will return for another two hours. Of course, neither child nor Grandma nor M actually walked the full two hours (I did!), but everyone did what they were comfortable with and we did it together. Though the kids don't really understand what or why we're walking, it's a learning opportunity full of questions and that's a good thing.

A huge Thank You to those who've donated on my behalf. Cancer is something that touches all of us and your support is much appreciated.

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