Tuesday, April 21

improved drawing skills

portrait drawing exercise during art studio
The ability (confidence!) to communicate through drawing is such a great skill to have. Most of Thomas' drawings are of vehicles these days, usually cars from the movie Cars. He'll hold the car in one hand to study while he draws with the other. It's fascinating to watch him learn and practice these new skills. I know from spending time in elementary classrooms that children at that age often become very concerned about the accuracy of their drawings. Representational drawings are "wrong" in their eyes and if their drawings don't look exactly like they think it should they become discouraged. It think this is what leads to many people believing they are unable to draw. I hope Thomas and Meredith both appreciate their drawing skills, however abstract they may be, and continue to use this form of communication throughout their lives.

our family

1 comment:

The McAuleys said...

Holy cow! Those are terrific. I am so into the birds in the family portrait!