Tuesday, October 14


Don't be alarmed! This isn't a current map of fires in the area (there aren't nearly this many right now), but it is sort of what it feels like. We're sort of in the middle of it all with fires burning in LA County, one this morning near the border, and others breaking out east of us. It's the reality of living in Southern California. We've witnessed the wildfires before but only from a distance (news channels and internet while safe in Oregon).

Every October the Santa Ana winds kick up and wildfire season begins here. The winds are extremely warm as they blow from the desert and with the overall dry climate of this area, fires are quick to ignite. We've been heeding the warnings (high winds, dry conditions, etc...) but we aren't in areas most likely to experience wildfires. Of course, no one is completely immune, but I'm pretty confident we are okay here.

Last night we watched as the smoke from a fire burning on the Marine base (Camp Pendleton) covered the sky with black smoke. Thomas is very curious about the fires and has many questions. He's not frightened, just curious. As we all are when we hear of wildfires starting.

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