Wednesday, October 15

preschool snacks

Today was Thomas' day to bring snacks for his preschool classmates. A parent provides the mid-morning snack every day and it rotates so each child is responsible for this once every 6 weeks or so. I secretly love when its our turn to bring snacks. Most days the snack brought in is your standard yogurt, fruit, muffin or some combination thereof. I try to mix it up a bit and make it fun for both the kids and myself.

We've had two snack days so far. Today we brought homemade orange-cranberry scones and veggie snack packs of edamame, jicama and carrots. They were all bundled together in Halloween treat bags for each child. I probably should have made pumpkin scones, but it was my first time making them and I didn't get to it until late last night, didn't have pumpkin...

Last time we brought snack "kabobs". One had a bite of smoked turkey, cheddar, monterey jack, olive, sweet pickle and cherry tomato along with a honey-mustard dip I made. Yum! The other had cantaloupe cut into hearts (small cookie cutters) and covered in a slightly sweet sauce with fresh mint. Yum! I already can't wait to see what we come up with the next time it's our turn to provide the snack.


The McAuleys said...

I love that you put veggies in treat bags! Clara is great about veggies in pasta or soup, but she still struggles with raw or blanched vegetables. I'll have to try the treat bags with stickers! :)

shannon said...

Veggies do not get eaten in our house either (both kids say they like broccoli, but I have yet to see them actually eat it).

We cannot bring homemade items as snacks to Katilin's preschool, which I don't like! Yesterday was our snack day and we brought your standard crackers, cheese and apple. Not nearly as exciting as what you came up with!! :)