Sunday, October 5

seasonal colds

the kids wake slowly with warm milk, banana muffins and a snuggle on the sofa
The change in seasons always brings a cold to our household and living in Southern California is no different than living in Portland. The colds have been hanging around, never really hitting hard, but leaving us all moving a little slower and definitely taking it easy. Neither of the kids slept well last night (which means neither of us slept well either), but hopefully they'll sleep soundly tonight and wake up feeling more like themselves tomorrow...
trying on costumes ~ Little Red Riding Hood and Mr. Incredible

1 comment:

shannon said...

I almost bought that same little red riding hood costume for Kaitlin yesterday (so cute)!! Instead I bought a froufy Disney princess costume because she wants to be a princess, plus it was on sale. The things we do for our kids to make them happy!

Thomas looks very muscular in his Incredible's costume! :)