Monday, August 8

soccer is fun

 Thomas' biggest fan ~ kicking balls alongside the coach
This morning Thomas started soccer camp and had a great time.  I was a little nervous with how it'd go since he hadn't expressed an interest in soccer camp until this summer (earlier soccer lessons were not successful) and this one is a full week, FIVE hours a day.  That's a lot of soccer and activity outdoors.  However, as always, he proved me wrong.  Despite not knowing anyone, Thomas jumped in with confidence, smiling and laughing with the other soccer campers.  The program is called Coast 2 Coast and is run by Irish soccer players.  These guys were a hoot and entertaining for both the kids and myself.  Yes, I sat in the grass and watched the first 1.5 hours of camp today.  Fortunately the sun didn't come out until much later or these little kids would have cooked on this soccer field today!

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