Sunday, August 7

final summer camps

Our kids like to lay out their clothes.  They do this when we are packing to go somewhere or if we have a special outing planned.  They also do it when they have a big day coming up and they know the morning will be busy, such as what we have going on tomorrow.  Both will be starting their final camps for the summer.  Thomas is starting a week-long, 5 hours a day (!!) soccer camp.  Meredith will be in a two week (3 days a week, 4 hours each day) camp offered at her preschool.  Both are super excited and couldn't wait to figure out what they are going to wear, get their new backpacks and lunchboxes ready, etc.  We'll have a full week of nothing before school starts again the very last week of August.  I hope they are just as excited when that "First Day" comes!

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