Friday, February 26

Thomas' bedroom

When I first suggested we paint Thomas' bedroom, his favorite color was red. This was maybe a year or more ago. He wanted red, but I really didn't want to do red for his room. I eventually sold him on the idea of adding a litte red detail but to do the walls another color. Time passed and we revisited the idea of painting his room several months ago. Then the holidays came and went and now this month I finally got around to painting his bedroom. However, I'm glad I waited because I think this calming blue with a white stripe on all the walls topped with a dark blue is perfect for Thomas. I found these great repositionable, no-stick stickers that made creating his outerspace ceiling very easy and quick. We picked up two packages - one of planets, robots, spacecrafts, etc. and the other one of glow-in-the-dark stars, moons, etc. Thomas had a great time leading me in the design of his ceiling! Again, window treatments need to be addressed sometime down the line...

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