Friday, February 26

Meredith's bedroom


One of my New Year's Resolutions (yes, I make them) this year is to paint the interior of our house. I had in mind a goal of one room per month with the major spaces professionally painted. First on my list was to paint the kids' rooms. Gone are the boring, off-white bedrooms! Now we have colorful paint treatments and, for Meredith, a new twin bed with a trundle. Her room has gone from boring baby room to a fun little girl's room that perfectly suits her. A few things remain yet to do: window treatments, lighting and paint animal prints for her wall (the set of four can be seen above -- I've had crazy thoughts about doing them in a button collage), but I think we're looking pretty good!


shannon said...

I love the dots along the top of the wall! Are those stickers?

cherl said...

Nope, I painted each and everyone. I don't recommend doing that. Nor do I recommend painting a ceiling a dark color...