Thursday, February 25

kids at Birch Aquarium

When we moved here two years ago, we were tourists. And we were tourists who wanted to see everything Southern California has to offer. The most economical way to do this was to purchase memberships everywhere because we knew we'd be back again and again and again. It all proved to be a good way to go because we did return many times, often with visitors and the memberships' guest passes and/or discount coupons came in handy. It was all a very good deal for us.
A year later, we had established routines, signed up for classes, started preschool and made many new friends. And suddenly all those memberships were up for renewal at the same time. It is very expensive to renew all of them at the same time, so we decided to only renew those memberships that gave a great renewal offer (i.e., a discount). For the others, we decided to wait until we had planned a visit to get a membership in order to maximize our membership period.
This worked great until last week when I went through a drawer of papers I apparently hadn't touched in months. At that bottom of this drawer I found memberships for the Birch Aquarium at Scripps, UCSD. Imagine my surprise when I saw the expiration date is mid-April. We haven't been once this past year. The real bugger is that we have been to La Jolla many times over the past year and I've often thought it'd be fun to stop in at the aquarium for an hour while we are there. But I didn't think we had a membership and I wasn't sure I wanted to purchase one that day.
Needless to say, we'll be visiting the aquarium often in the coming weeks! I really must go through my drawers of "important papers" more often.

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