Tuesday, July 21

her first haircut

Earlier today the kids were cutting yarn for a craft project at the kitchen table. They each had their own pair of scissors and string of yarn and had been working on this for 10 minutes when I heard Thomas say, "I'll cut that for you Meredith so you can see better." Yes, I turned around to see both kids' scissors up near her head. He had already snipped off some and she was in the process of doing the same. Fortunately this was about all that was cut and it isn't noticeable, unlike my neighbor's two boys who needed to go get a salon haircut after their fun with scissors a few weeks ago! I've bagged her precious locks and included a note about what happened to save in her stuff. I'm sure this will be funny for them both years from now.

1 comment:

shannon said...

Those are words that you really don't want to hear come out of a 4-year old's mouth! :)