Thursday, March 26

concept vehicle

Thomas, unlike his mama, clearly doesn't fear birds
During our drive home this afternoon from the Wild Animal Park, Thomas shared with me his concept for a new vehicle. Maybe we should look into having his ideas patented?

"I'm thinking of a car. A car with two wheels, one in front and one behind it. The driver could stand or sit to steer the car. But I don't know where the dogs would sit. The car would be called "Off-Road Driving Car". It could drive over bushes, dirt, plants, barkdust, flowers, trees, anything like that. It could go on water. It would have a hard top, like a glass top. Glass is hard. A really, really hard glass top so nothing can break the glass. The car can only sit two people at a time. Only two. It could climb up walls and over roofs. It could go upside down because wheels would be on the top, on the glass. That's my kind of car [I'm talking about]."

1 comment:

scott said...

I'll take three!