Saturday, May 10


During our drive to San Diego's SeaWorld this morning I was explaining to Thomas how SeaWorld is different from the Zoo. When I said "We see giraffes, monkeys and elephants at the Zoo, but at SeaWorld we see animals that live in the water like seals, whales and dolphins", his response was "That's it?" At nearly three years, he's a hard one to impress! However, we all had a great time at SeaWorld today. Thomas says his favorite were the Clydesdale horses. Not the seal lions he fed? Not the Killer Whales leaping out of the water and onto the platform just feet from us?? Not even the large turtle he got to see up close and touch??? Nope, it was the horses. Granted they are quite large, but the horses?! [SeaWorld is owned by Anheuser-Busch, hence the Clydesdales and the Hospitality Center with complimentary samples. :)]

Thomas feeds the sea lions

sea stars, Clydesdales & us in the Soak Zone before the whale show

sea turtles sunning

On our way out of the park, Thomas told us he wants a turtle -- a big one to play with in the backyard and walk around. Oh boy!

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