Tuesday, May 6

fire station visit

Left to Right:
M's favorite were the hoses and the horns
T & his pal test every knob, dial, pedal, lever, steering wheel...
T stops to listen to the bell ring
M and the yellow hose
This morning both kids had a blast visiting a local fire station. Firefighters are always so great with children and the crew at this station were no exception. They happily obliged requests for photos, let the kids roam free climbing all over a couple of fire engines, one dressed up in the full gear to show us what that looks like and they really just allowed the kids to explore and have fun checking everything out. We were especially lucky this morning to see not only two fire engines, but also one very old fire engine and a SWAT vehicle. Very neat! Thomas climbed in and out of fire engines, rang the bell several times, and simply just touched everything at least once. Meredith tried to do the same and left the fire house with the whole crew oohing and aahing over her. Fun morning!
When we got home Thomas wanted to practice what he learned today - Stop, Drop & Roll. He thinks it's a song and dance which is pretty funny...

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