Tuesday, September 26

new words and signs

Thomas' communication skills are growing by leaps and bounds. He's been adding new words and sounds to his vocabulary, picking up new signs for other words and can point to more body parts almost on a daily basis. I know he understands way more than he is able to communicate to us, but it still awes me when totally out of the blue I'll ask him something like where is your hair? and he'll immediately point to the part in question. His vocabulary consists of around 30 words and he can sign another 16 or so words. He will point to major body parts when asked where they are. Of course, if you spent time with Thomas, you'd think he only knows one word - car.

[Note: Our home computer is experiencing technical difficulties. Posts will be few and photos nil until the problems get resolved. I'm still snapping many, many photos -- I just have no way to download them off the camera. Grrrr... Once the problem is fixed, I'm sure I'll post a whole slew of photos in a single post! Brace yourselves.]

1 comment:

Jay & Jody said...

What a smarty paants!! And a cutie as well!!