Wednesday, February 1

library card

Thomas got a new library card tonight!  I got one in his name when he was six months old from our local Multnomah County Library in Portland.  Yes, it was a bit early but I had started taking him to library storytimes and checking out books for him so it seemed fitting to have one in his own name.  However, when we moved here I wasn't sure how long we'd be here.  We were renting at the time and there were so many unknowns I figured I would just wait to get the kids their own library cards.  I did seek out the local library almost immediately though so we could begin to meet people, attend storytimes, etc. 

As part of the Cub Scouts' extensive list of activities (it's a checklist of activities the boys should accomplish throughout this year -- everything from archery to citizenship to collecting to badmitton -- you name it, it's in there), one of the items has to do with the library.  I was going through the checklist last night to see what items we've already accomplished and which could easily be done soon.  The library was one of them we could do today since we're there every Wednesday afternoon for Thomas' book club.  There are three parts to this activity and the first one is to obtain a library card so that's what we did today!  He was so proud to use the card to check out headphones for the computers for himself and Meredith.  Later, he checked out his first book using his own card.  Then he asked me what other cards he could get...  

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