Friday, December 23

Peacock Lane

We usually plan several get togethers and must-do events during our trips back to Portland.  And often, the plans fall through for various reasons.  This year I purposely did not plan as much as usual so that we could enjoy a more relaxed, quiet holiday.  I always keep a few things in the back of my mind though and one of those things was a visit to see Peacock Lane.  We had been going to see holiday lights around our town over the past two weeks and the kids loved it.  I knew they would think Peacock Lane was something special and a unique experience.  As luck would have it, the kids' Auntie Eve hadn't been yet this year and although the evening was cool (we had met them for dinner), it wasn't wet.  We couldn't pass up the opportunity to share the experience with them this year.  And, as expected, the kids all really enjoyed it.

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