Friday, May 21

Star of the Week

This week Thomas was "Star of the Week" at preschool. This involved making a presentation about yourself, bringing in snacks all week and taking Rover home for the week. At the end of the week, the student returns Rover with a journal entry describing something they did together that week.
Monday Thomas brought in a posterboard that was all about him - family photos, cutouts of some favorite things, photos of him doing things he enjoys, etc. He presented his board to his class and Meredith and I got to stay and watch. I was impressed with Thomas' confidence and easy nature in front of his classmates. I hope that ability always remains with him.
The second presentation involved Rover. Yesterday Thomas wanted to take him to tennis with him. I knew it would be risky to take him out (what if we lost him??), but everything went smoothly. However, once we got home Rover disappeared. We were unable to locate the stuffed dog all evening, all morning today and even up until minutes of needing to leave for preschool. I eventually found Rover lying in a hole Greta had dug in the yard. Fortunately, the bark chips brushed off and the stuffed dog was otherwise unscathed.

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