Saturday, May 8


The kids' cousins are visiting! Thomas and Meredith love all their cousins, but hold a special place in their hearts for these three who are visiting this week. The kids are all very close in age (Franny is 6 weeks older than Thomas, Meredith is 5 weeks older than Cole and their youngest is just 10 months old) which makes for lots of great fun for all five kids.
During this particular visit, Meredith really enjoyed her time with Franny. I've often thought they share some personality traits and I still do. It was fun to watch the two play together and I kept finding myself thinking about what they'll be like in the future. I have a feeling there will be a special bond between them, even if there is considerable distance physically. And during those teen years both will be causing their parents many sleepless nights, esp. when the boys start to notice these fun-loving cuties!

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