Wednesday, May 19

birthday presents

Both kids received so many presents from friends and family for their birthdays. It can be a bit overwhelming so we've been pacing ourselves on opening them. They've opened the wrapping but the boxes for most remain unopened. Every few days we'll open another one so they don't go through them too quickly. One of Thomas' preschool friends gave him a great trio of presents that included a chemistry set, a dinosaur egg (above) and a geode. He's been very excited about these gifts so last night we let him break open the geode and excavate the dinosaur bones inside the egg above.
Thomas didn't open presents until the morning after his birthday party. He was so tired by the time the festivities were over that we thought it best to wait until the next morning so he'd be fresh and excited about opening them. First thing that morning he and his dad made a quick run to Starbucks. While out, he told his dad that he wanted to get something for Meredith so she wouldn't feel left out when he opened his presents. Such a sweet gesture and, as you can see below, she was thrilled with what he picked out for her.

1 comment:

PatrickHenryPDX said...

This is a wonderful picture! And big brother Thomas is looking SO big!