Monday, January 5

speaking her mind

Meredith has been "talking" for some time, but the words she chose to use most frequently were far and few between. We were beginning to worry and talked to the pediatrician about it at her 18 month appointment, but our concerns were unwarranted. Since our stay in Oregon she has started to say different words and string more words together. I'm guessing in another month she'll be speaking in full sentences and chattering up a storm.
My favorite: "Here you go, Greta."
The one I like least: "Mine."

1 comment:

Kelly(M&M) said...

She is too cute. I have Bryce's 18 month appt on Wed(we are a month behind) and I will be asking about Bryce's lack of talking also. I am not too worried, but it would be nice to have him communicate a little more. My other 2 were talking in complete sentences by now. :-) I test him all the time to see what he understands, but I know he is frustrated that he can't express himself more. You are giving me hope!