Saturday, January 24

one mile ~ 20:33

Thomas sizes up the competition

Running is one of my loves so to share this with Thomas today was great. He was excited to participate in his first organized running race through one of his favorite places, Legoland. The morning started out wet but by the time we were parked it had already stopped and the skies were clearing. It was a perfectly cool 60* start. The event is well-organized and the kids are grouped according to age, beginning with "12 and over" and ending with the "diaper dash". His field was probably the smallest and consisted of racers age 4 and under. There was more walking than running today, but we crossed the finish line - after a quick photo with Darth Vader - and he earned his medal and kudos from everyone watching. I thought it was a great running event for kids, but would have liked to have seen the "healthy living theme" continued to include post-race snacks. Half a banana would have been better than Keebler snacks, but I guess when it's a Keebler-sponsored event that's what you get. Thomas enjoyed the snacks!

1 comment:

cherl said...

This morning I ran a half marathon sponsored by the same groups. I thought for sure they'd have your typical post-race foods like bananas, bagels, etc... but in my bag I found a small banana, a Rice Krispie treat, and an odd assortment of "energy bars". ?? Very strange and not at all satisfying. Weird thing is, the marathoners received the same bag. I'm okay with a banana after 13.1 miles, but after 26.2 miles...? I would be one very upset and famished person.