Wednesday, November 12

"I run faster than a rocket"

After dropping Grandma off at the airport this morning, I drove back along the Coast Highway. We stopped in Laguna to stretch our legs and Thomas immediately set about doing what he's now practicing all the time -- running. I've been watching others his age run and noticing their form, speed, etc. and, I've got to say, Thomas is really good. I think running is in his future. Yes, this makes me a happy mama!
The kids were also very interested in watching this quiet little creek suddenly change into a raging stream as it quickly flowed to the ocean. The sand banks on either side were eroding fairly rapidly so Thomas kept Meredith away from the edge. It was a swift current -- the last thing I needed was to have one of them fall in!

1 comment:

Kelly(M&M) said...

You are passing on the running gene, how exciting! I hope at least one of my kids will want to run with me too. (Somehow your blog was not on my blog roll, so I am glad to be catching up with you again.)

I hope things are going well. Your kids are great!