Friday, August 1

happy girl

Every single day someone comments on how happy this little child is. M and I remember her first many, many months (8 months? 10 months?) differently and it still seems weird to hear that she's "always so happy", but she sure does seem pretty happy most of the time these days...

As for the parents of this happy child: tonight was our first date night in what feels like forever! We knew it would be awhile since we moved 1000 miles away from all our family and friends. But five months? I was a little nervous about it all week, but after seeing D interact with our kids I knew they were in very good hands. We were very pleased to hear our happy girl (and boy!) remained their happy selves all evening... Given what we saw before we left for dinner, I'm pretty sure we'll hear the same tomorrow from Thomas. Hooray for good finds and good friends who are willing to share their good finds!

1 comment:

The McAuleys said...

Ha. I think we've gone out twice in three years! Such are the consequences of no family around!