Thursday, July 26


I loathe baby equipment. They are always too large and take up too much valuable floor space. And I always want to limit the time spent in one of these contraptions so I'm reluctant to have them around in the first place. For as much room as they take up, it just doesn't seem worth it when you don't use it very often.
However, we simply cannot hold Meredith 24/7 so we've pulled the swing out of the basement and now have it in the living room. She doesn't love it, but it has allowed us brief breaks here and there. I worried that Thomas would want to use the swing, but he clearly sees it as "baby's swing" and not something he wants to sit in. He does enjoy swinging her in it though. High. And he enjoys turning on the music. So much so that the tunes are ringing in my head even now hours after he's gone to bed and the swing has been turned off.

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