Friday, January 26

growth spurt

I didn't notice just how much Thomas had been growing until recently. Kids that were close to him in height just a month or two ago are suddenly appearing much shorter and some of these kids he simply towers over! I see this with friends and family, at playdates and in public places where there are others his age. And his feet are huge! We just got him new shoes and his feet measured a 7.5. The store recommends purchasing a half size larger for growth and the shoe that fit his feet well runs small so he's currently wearing a size 8.5 in this particular shoe. I can't help but look at him and think the same thing I think when I see a large breed puppy with their big paws -- he is going to be one tall guy when it's all said and done! My prediction is that he'll exceed his dad in height and rest his elbows on my shoulders just as my brothers and I did to my mom... What comes around goes around, eh?

[Pictured above: Thomas and playgroup friends during a babysitting exchange yesterday morning. He played at a friend's house while his mama enjoyed a yummy breakfast downtown followed by a relaxing spa pedicure...aaahhhhh. If only every day could start this way!]

1 comment:

Trina Rae said...

With every new picture you post, Thomas looks more and more like a little boy. Not only his height but in his expressions, as well. What a handsome kiddo! :-)