Sunday, April 30

cookie monster

We stopped by the grocery store today during our afternoon walk. I was craving something sweet so we looked around in the bakery. The women working the bakery counter oohed and aahed over Thomas. When they heard me say the cookies were for me and not for the baby, one of them quickly disappeared behind the counter and emerged with a cookie. A sugar cookie with M&Ms. All for Thomas. She handed him the cookie and he immediately put it to his mouth. This was his first sugary treat. Ever. We let him nibble on it but once he got about halfway through we decided he had probably had enough. When he saw I was going to take it from him, his reaction was swift. In less than a second the cookie was back in his mouth which was already full of cookie. What can I say? The boy likes his cookies. And so does his mom (and his dad, too!).

1 comment:

snoopy said...

Not too long ago, I passed by this fancy schmancy chocolate truffle shoppe and stopped by to look at their gorgeous treats. They had these teeny samples (barely half the size of a chocolate chip) for people to try. When the woman working there saw Yoshi looking sad (I had just dragged her out of Starbucks kicking and screaming), the woman gave Yoshi a full sized truffle which probably costs $4 for that piece. Yoshimi refused to share it with me. Must be instinctual not to share something so good because you never know if it'll come around again!