Saturday, November 5

Fall Festival

We've had the craziest weather these last few days.  One day is clear and beautiful, the next is cold and wet.  Fortunately, today was one of the nicer days so our family went up to Meredith's preschool for their Fall Festival.  It's the school's biggest fundraiser with every activity imaginable for the kids, food and drinks, and a silent auction.  The bidding at the auction got a little crazy with folks hovering over baskets they really wanted in those final minutes before bidding closed.  Baskets ranged from a dozen Lego sets to health/sport items (golf, barre classes, etc.), one night stays at the local luxury hotels to "date night" packages (it was actually four date nights with certificates to fancy restaurants, babysitting, etc. -- nice!), plastic surgery...  Yes, plastic surgery.  This is southern California, after all.  One of the moms at the school who regularly receives Botox injections got her plastic surgeon to donate four or five $1000 gift certificates to be included in various baskets.  The highest bid I saw was for a "giving tree" full of gift cards, mainly retail, that was going for over $3500.  We didn't get that high with our bid, but did win a pet portrait (painting).  We've been wanting to do something like this in memory of Bela -- and to help out the preschool at the same time made it all worthwhile.  We were all very happy that we went to the Fall Festival this year and are looking forward to having a portrait painted of B.

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