Monday, April 4

dental exams

Both kids had their 6 month dental check-ups today. Neither child has a cavity and both kids were very happy to be there (they love going, actually). Meredith's teeth are healthy and look great. Thomas' teeth have been on the move since the school year began last September. He lost a total of 5 teeth by Thanksgiving, but no more have fallen out since that day. Three on the top are pretty loose and have been for several months now. The gum line of the two top front teeth are really swollen. It looks extremely painful, but he says it isn't. The dentist recommends we have the three loose teeth extracted since they are in the way of Thomas' new teeth coming in and the teeth have been difficult for us to take care of. Of course, Thomas doesn't fully understand what this means and happily agrees that we should take the teeth out. We have an appointment for the extraction scheduled on the 14th and, honestly, I'm already dreading that day. I see a lot of frozen yogurt in this boy's future following the procedure...

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