Thursday, April 14

teeth #6 thru 8

Today was the big day! Thomas had three - yes, three! - teeth extracted this afternoon. All have been loose and wiggly for several months (since the holidays?) so they really did need to come out. The problem was: none were too keen on leaving this poor kid's mouth so the dentist had to intervene. All three (top) teeth were successfully removed and a fourth tooth that hasn't broken thru yet has been encouraged by the dentist who cut a small slit for it. Thomas now has lost a total of eight teeth and only two have come in to replace them. Hopefully this kid will have some front teeth soon!

And, if you are interested, Thomas did great! I was a wreck, but that's just because I knew what was going to happen. That's the beauty of innocence and not knowing, he had nothing to fear. I held his hand the whole time with the exception of a few minutes during the rough part when he let go and rubbed my arm -- to comfort me! This kid is awesome.

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