Saturday, February 5

phonetic spelling

Thomas' class is given a sentence every day and asked to write their own sentence(s) following it. Below are some that he's written lately. Bold is the given sentence, italics is the sentence he came up with. In some sentences, the phonetically-spelled words are tricky to decipher so I've written in blue what he was trying to write. I love these.

The pig is big. The pig has a rat.

The rat has a cap. The rat is sad.

The man has a dog. The dog likes to listen.

The pig ran to the hut. He went to slep.

A rat had a nut. The rat likte the nut.

My dad got a bat. My dad has a mitt.

The bug sat on a dog. The dog said "Give me a hat". The bug did give the dog a hat.

The rat said, "Here is a hat!" The dolfin wlr (wore) the hat to the stlr (store).

The bug dug in the sand. The bug faond a pes uv glld (piece of gold). The bug brot it hom.

I have a cup for my mom. I filld the cup with hot coco.

My dog digs in the sand. I dig in the sand.

The cat hit the rat. The cat bit the cow.

Zig the pig is big. Zig the pig is not fast.

The man is not hot. The man duz not ned the fan.

The frog sat on a log. The frog kot a fli. The frog is happy.

The bug sat in a can. The bug flu wa (away).

My dad and I have fun. Win we ar all dun we have icrem (ice cream).

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