Tuesday, January 11

an adventurous eater

Thomas has always been my little buddy. He's always game for anything and everything I come up with whether it's an activity, a way to do something, new foods or drink... He's always been adventurous and open to new things. I love that about him.
Since January 1st, I've been trying a vegan, or plant-based, diet. It's strictly a personal choice and I do not impose this diet on the rest of my family. They've continued to eat meat since I became a vegetarian 18 months ago. Likewise, they'll continue to consume dairy, eggs, etc. while I experiment with other foods. My biggest supporter in this journey has been 5 year old Thomas. Everything I make, he tries (and more often than not, he likes!). Meredith turns her nose up to the foods and Mike has been indifferent since he's been on his own diet for several months anyway. Overall, the food experiments these last 11 days have been fun -- at least for me and Thomas!

** He can't get enough of this Roasted Seaweed Snack from Trader Joe's!

1 comment:

Maria said...

Yay for adventurous eaters! If you don't already have it I'd recommend the cookbook, Veganomicon: The Ultimate Vegan Cookbook. Although I'm not a vegan or a strictly vegetarian I love so many of the recipes in here. Good luck on your journey.