Thursday, September 2

2nd day of Preschool

ready to go! ~ walking to preschool
putting her backpack away ~ proud family
Today was Meredith's second day of preschool, but because I didn't stay and school lasted the full 3 hours, it was really like her first day of preschool. She loved it. She's been singing songs all afternoon and giving me bits and pieces of information regarding what she did, what she played with, who got hurt on the playground, what they ate for snack, etc. For the longest time, I couldn't get Thomas to tell me about his day. It's nice that Meredith is able to remember and verbalize so much of her day.
And what about Thomas? He's loving Kindergarten. Every day is something a little different and special and fun. He's doing karate for p.e., earning rewards, singing new songs, playing new games, enjoying being a Little Brother to his 4th grader Big Brother, and is looking forward to an ice cream party tomorrow that the class earned. I couldn't be happier with how both kids have easily jumped right into these new routines and experiences!

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