Tuesday, December 15

10 days in Oregon

Frosty - kids singing from c on Vimeo.

This evening the kids and I returned from a 10 day visit back to Oregon. The weather was extreme (so cold!!) and we ended the week with nasty coughs, but we all had a wonderful time seeing family and friends. Ten things we'll remember...
10. Baking Christmas cookies and fudge w/Grandma and cousin Emily.
9. Seeing family at cousin Gwen's 2nd birthday party.
8. Ice skating at Lloyd Center Ice Rink (first for Thomas!).
7. Spending a day at the Portland Children's Museum w/cousins Franny, Cole and Delaney.
6. Early Christmas at Grandma's house w/everyone spoiling them.
5. Seeing the Nutcracker Ballet downtown.
4. Daily disco parties complete w/swirling flashlights.
3. Having whipped cream squirted directly into their mouths -- thanks, Uncle Peter!
2. Seeing friends from the old neighborhood (toys are in the mail).
1. And spending oodles and oodles of time with Grandma. We're already looking forward to having her visit us in March!

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